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Digital Marketing Trends

7 Email Marketing Tips Your School Should Know

Are you struggling to get decent returns from your email campaigns? You hear every marketer and read every blog talking about the amazing potential email campaigns can have for your school.

How much should a School Budget for Marketing?

Before you embark on a school marketing program, you need to understand the true value of acquiring a new student for your school. Ask yourself this; How many new students would I need each month to off-set my marketing budget and exponentially increase enrollments on a regular basis?

Should I Outsource Marketing, or do it In-house?

Many schools and businesses have the resources to manage their own marketing programs, but don’t have the expertise to formulate a Digital Marketing Plan. We are launching a new program where we create the strategy for your team.

13 SEO Things You Can (Sort of) Do Yourself

So my challenge is to create a post using only 1 paragraph for each topic... and make sure it’s still useful AND quickly readable.

Challenge accepted…

Local Listings for Local Schools and Businesses

I’ve found that most of our clients shoot themselves in the foot by trivializing their listings and not paying attention to the basics. You have to do your listings right… and you have to do the right listings.

Clean Your School Website's Cruft and Rank Higher in Google

Are you constantly adding new content to your school's website? Good! Google loves fresh new content…but they love quality over quantity even more.  . 

Difference Between Search and Social Traffic?

Traffic to your website comes in multiple flavors, but they aren’t the same in terms of quality, cost and intent.

Best Practices for Hiring SEO Consultants

Now Google has one-upped me with a video about the exact same subject. And yes, I highly recommend it to any company looking into hiring an online marketing agency or consultant. In fact, I find it refreshingly validating.

The Worst Marketing Advice I Ever Got

Be Different…Just Like Everyone Else

I wasn’t always a marketing genius, and I’ve been known to seek out the advice of others. Generally I’ve found that to be a good policy.

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