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People don’t just read on the Internet, they “Scan”. One of the few things that are guaranteed to be seen and actually read is your headline. A successful email, landing page, Blog or Social Post is an accumulation of several elements, but if your headline fails, the rest of your page will fail. You need to spend more time on your headline than on any other element of your post, page or email.
Your headline should be either clever, shocking, or interesting. It should be focused, relevant and address your target’s pain. You might even throw in a sense of urgency if it makes sense.
The truth is any headline you are likely to come up with is some variation of one that has been used successfully multiple times over. Think of it as a formula:
Ready to start scribbling down some Headlines? Not just yet… Exactly who are you writing that headline for? Certainly not for yourself. You’re writing it to appeal to your next best customer, and that customer should be a very specific person. If you don’t already know how to do this, check out this example of an actual Buyer Persona from one of our actual clients.
Note: This article is an excerpt from the upcoming revision of the WSI Book: Digital Minds: 12 Things Every Business Needs to Know About Digital Marketing. You can download the current Kindle edition from Amazon now for free.
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